School Admissions
Our team can be contacted with queries about specific admissions on:
In Year Admissions should be directed through Surrey County Council. Please follow the following link:
We are currently accepting in year admissions for various year groups, including year 1 and year 3.
General Admissions Information
The Published Admission Numbers for Salfords Primary School for 2025 admission is 60.
Applications for admission at the normal intake will be managed in accordance with Surrey’s coordinated scheme on primary admission. Please see Surrey’s coordinated scheme on the Surrey County Council website for further details regarding applications, processing, offers, late applications, post-offer and waiting lists
Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names Salfords Primary School will be allocated a place before other applicants are considered. In this way, the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with a statement that has named the school.
When Salfords Primary School is over-subscribed for any year group, applications for entry in 2025/26 will be ranked in the following order:
- First priority: looked after and previously looked after children
- Second priority: children who will have a sibling at the school.
- Third priority: children of staff
- Fourth priority: any other children
The remaining places will be offered on the basis of nearness to the school measured in a straight line from the address point of the pupil’s house, as set by Ordnance Survey to the nearest school gate for pupils to use. This is calculated using the Admission and Transport team’s Geographical Information System.
Outcome letters are sent out to parents in April from Surrey County Council and any appeals should be sent to them, not the school. For paperwork please use the following link: